Friday, December 8, 2017

Who Took Humphrey?

We started our day with a message from Humphrey. Someone kidnapped him and left a series of clues for us to find him.

See his Padlet post below. 

We found many clues throughout our class. Each envelope, or clue, had a math word problem to solve. These word problems provided a cryptic message about where Humphrey was. 

Once all the word problems were solved the students used a number/letter decoder to reveal a secret message.  

The message said, "He is in room E215." This led us to Mrs. McSweeney's classroom.  There we found Humphrey and Mrs. McSweeney shared her motives for kidnapping our class pet. The students were so excited during this activity and solved many multi-step word problems in the process.  It was a success!!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Recorder Time

It is that very special time of year when music fills the air. I'm sure many or you have seen (and heard) you child's new recorder. Please make sure their instrument, book, and case come to school every Wednesday. All three pieces should be labeled, as well. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Mystery Reader's Theater

Our mystery reading unit is coming to an end. Today we mixed things up and read mystery reader's theater scripts in small groups. Three groups practiced and then performed for the class. It was a ton of fun and many were hamming it up for the audience. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Multiplication Fortune Tellers

We are just about done learning tricks, strategies, and tips for mastering our multiplication facts. Today the students created "fortune tellers" that focus on the trickiest facts such as 8x8 and 7x8. Please encourage your child to use the Reflex Math program three times a week. Fact automaticity is key for math success. 

Mystery Book Reviews

Scroll through the book covers below.  If you click on the book you can listen to each child's mystery book review as one of the book characters comes to life. We used the Chatterpix app to record and Padlet to publish these reviews. 

Made with Padlet

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Making Mayflowers

Today our class combined with Mrs. Moore's class to design cargo ships like The Mayflower. We tested each boat to see if it floated and what gram mass it could carry before sinking. It was a great activity the half day before Thanksgiving.  We only had a few "Speedwells." You can ask your third grader what the Speedwell was.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 20, 2017

College and Career Day

Today the students shared what careers and colleges they would like to explore.